I'm a software developer with experience in web development, web design and programming! As well as technical skills, I also have experience working on projects in groups using Scrum.
February 2021 - April 2021
August 2017 - December 2018
2016 - 2019
August 2020 - Now
2016 - 2017
August 2017 - July 2020
HTML5, CSS3, Python, Bootstrap, Less, Sass/SCSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Java, Jekyll, Docker, Pug, ExpressJS, Materialize, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Automated Testing, CI/CD, Automated HTML & CSS Code Validation, Photoshop, Figma, Selenium, Git, Godot, SQL, Project Documentation, Scrum.
This project was a collaboration with the Swedish Red Cross, the goal being to create a simple and easy to use system for communication between the Swedish Red Cross and volunteers during a crisis.
The final product utilizes
API for messaging, ExpressJS, JavaScript and MySQL to let administrators of the Swedish Red Cross send bulk SMS to volonteers containing information about any current crisis and a personalized link where volonteers can fill in whether or not they can help out during the crisis.
The product contains secure volonteer registration and administrator login, and is tested using Selenium for Python.
The front-end of the website is built using Pug with the Materialize framework.
Check it out on GitHub!
A swedish learning platform about APIs, made as part of my internship at
The main focus of this project was to do all the basics as good as possible, rather than to produce as much content as possible. This means focus on modular code, responsive design, proper documentation, automated testing and CI.
Aside from only static information, the website also uses a "quiz" system to make learning interactive. Pug, SCSS and JavaScript was used to build the website, along with Python Selenium for automated tests.
Lunchpad was made due to a request by the principal of NTI-gymnasiet Uppsala. They wanted a system to ensure that students of the school don't cheat their specified lunch times.
Our solution was to use a Raspberry Pi connected to a screen and an NFC scanner at the entrance of the dining area running a Python program. The students are required to scan their keycards, and the screen shows whether it's currently their time to eat or not.
A static website for a hypothetical customer with focus on design and a system for automated testing.
The webpage uses Jekyll, HTML and CSS with Less, and the automated testing system uses Python Selenium connected to CI on GitLab.
Automated tests for every feature were made before each feature was implemented, including a test that checks if the website works well in all common resolutions using automated screenshots. There's also static validation in the CI pipeline.
A short lived video game passion project between me and my friends! The game is currently nothing more than a proof of concept, but I learned a lot about video game development working with it.
The idea behind the game was to create a multiplayer role-playing game with a timing based combat system. Even though the project is far from complete, we all had a lot of fun making it!
The game is made using
Godot Game Engine.